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Training of Trainers Projects

Contribution to Economy and Social Cultural Development Projects


It offers training and life programs to trainers working and educating in the fields of health, healing, awareness, permaculture, ecology, education, which is enhancing their creativity and efficiency, improving their perspectives, and helping their internal and physical systems to work in a healthy and balanced way.


It shares its knowledge and experience pool, which has been created in many years and continues to be fed from many live sources both domestically and abroad, and which serves to freely liberation of existential potentials and their flexible and peaceful use, with the educators who can convey them to future generations.Through the development of the educators, it provides benefits both to themselves and their students and clients and provides a collective well-being.

Contribution to Economyand Social Cultural Development Projects

By observing objectively the needs of local people in the region, it prepares projects that support development and contribute to the family and local economy in mutual solidarity.

Educational Projects

Child Education: By the synthesis of creative education models and its own experiences, it provides preschool education that supports the needs and potentials of the new generation children. It sows the seeds of generations who are flexible in their thoughts, free in will, generous in love and sharing, empathetic and responsible.


Readings on Life: It is a concentrated and short-term, boutique training created for people who want to work on Knowing Thyself and Existential Transformation. In particular, the 4th Road works based on Gurdjieff methodology are emphasized. It is an accelerated way with special techniques blended with years of experience and expertise. Groups are limited to 7 people.


“Knowing Thyself” Studies: A person cannot know life without knowing thyself. Knowing is valuable and it is guiding to experience what we know. Knowing thyself activities support one’s journey towards deeper meanings from already known. It reveals not only self-satisfaction, balance and happiness in its own life but also the feelings of help, sharing, sacrifice and well-being that also spreads to the people around.


Natural Life Studies: It is a set of studies that helps people to simplify physically, emotionally, intellectually and psychologically, and thus to recall their essence. Meditations done before sunrise prepare the person for the day. Mental calm and inner peace come by electromagnetic cleaning, nutrition with natural products, working on soil and natural field studies. Sustainability is targeted to maintain this state also in urban life.


Women-Men Harmony: Studies conducted together with men and women help us gain an objective perspective on these two types of energy both in our own system and in our relationship with our spouse.


Family Health Trainings: Includes studies that support the individuals who make up the family to establish healthy relationships with themselves and their environment.. relationships that transform into love.


Physical Work: Activities such as Yoga, Tai Chi, dance help us to be healthier both physically and emotionally and mentally.


Creative Drama Studies: Invites awareness using the refreshing power of drama for children and adults.

Breath Awareness Workshops: Helps to reduce stress in our lives by learning how to use the breath correctly, which is our most vital nutrition. It contributes to our happiness as being more serene and productive individuals.

Mother - Child Projects

It supports raising individuals who will be at peace with themselves and their environment, friendly with nature, having high self-confidence, creative, exceeding the limits with flexibility and effort, and beneficial to their environment, country and the world.

It includes works that help children, who are on the way to breathe in this planet and will take a step into life, for their adaptation with the world and development, and support mothers during pregnancy.

It accompanies the first steps of a conscious journey through trainings that strengthen the mother-child bond beginning from the mother’s womb and help them to develop mutual understanding and love by examining their relationships in a multi-faceted way, covering the developmental and maturation periods.

Special programs are implemented to increase the well-being of all children and primarily children in need of special education such as autism, through conscious interactions with horses.

Competent people such as pediatrician, child psychologist and consultants with various techniques work voluntarily in Lacivertköy

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